Merry Christmas everyone! I don't normally do this, but as some of you know, we are leading one of our Gateway Teams in 2010 to Brazil. So, I thought there may be a few more of you out there that aren't on our email listings that may be interested in this opportunity. If that's YOU :) - please get in touch with us as soon as possible. The following is a copy of the last email we sent out in promotion of this opportunity; as you get in touch with us, we'll send you the 'attached documents' that are mentioned at the bottom of the message. Thanks!
November 20, 2009
Hello again and Happy Thanksgiving (Americans! Belated, Canadians!). We’ve had a good response to the opportunity of a Brazil Gateway Team to the CHAIN of Love Homes in Campo Bom next June! Please know that unless you’ve responded to us directly, this will be the last email you’ll receive about this as the application deadline is approaching on December 11, 2009.
If you’re unaware of the details of this particular mission, please read on and also take a look at the attached document ‘Proposal for Gateway Team to Brazil’.
We’re now in what we call the Promotion Stage (9-7 months away from departure) so here are a few items to consider at this point:
Promotion Stage (9-7 Months Out) Items - FOR THE JUNE 2010 BRAZIL (CHAIN OF LOVE HOMES) GATEWAY TEAM:
Payment Schedule & Info
***Finances and Important Dates***
– this is a major question that many will have at this point…Fees/Funds should come from 3 sources:
(1) Team Member Personal Contribution ($100/person minimum)
(2) Team Member’s Home Church (special services/offerings/church budget)
(3) Letters to Family/Friends OUTSIDE of Home Church
* Please note that these are TOTALS to have by each due date; the vendors (airfare, etc.) receiving the checks will be given later. ALSO, PLEASE ASK YOUR CHURCH ABOUT DOING THE RECEIVING AND INDIVIDUAL RECEIPTING FOR DONATIONS RECEIVED FOR THIS MISSION. The church can then make out the checks payable to the correct vendors as you’ll be receiving that information at later dates. If you do not have this option available to you, please let us know ASAP. Thank you!
We’ll work on the basis of these dates for funds due (and other key dates) unless otherwise informed –
September 22, 2009 – Team Member Applications available on Gateway Teams’ website under “Resources” - Gateway Teams Website >
Payment #1 Due – December 11, 2009 - $100/person (non-refundable) - Team Member Applications and Team Member’s MINIMUM PERSONAL CONTRIBUTION due to Gateway Teams Office (Brookfield, WI address in signature below)
February 11, 2010 – Team Training begins (individual study materials, preparation for June Team Training Retreat which will immediately precede the mission and be in the Milwaukee area)
Payment #2 Due – March 28, 2010 - $1700/person – Primarily the cost of airfare
Payment #3 Due – May 11, 2010 - $1000/person (approximate, actual amount TBA) - The balance of the trip costs
June 8-11, 2010 – Team Training Retreat AND Assistant Leader Training session – (“Effective Planning, Training and Leading of Short-Term Mission Teams”) - in Milwaukee, WI
June 11-28, 2010 – Brazil Mission
Please NOTE! – Funds MUST be collected & checks MUST be received by the vendors (TBA) by the dates indicated. Failure to do so will result in cancellation of the mission.
**Also please note that the amounts of Payment #2 and #3 may change primarily due to airfare**
- Airfare and/or Ground Transport – I’m working on these logistics right now….please note from the material above that this mission will depart from Milwaukee; your travel to and from there is NOT included in the Payment Schedule above -
- Planning fund-raising - funds should be raised 3 ways:
- Team Member personal contribution ($100) - with application
- Church budget, special offerings and fund-raising events - plan NOW
- Support letters to relatives and friends OUTSIDE of your Home church - THIS IS IMPORTANT! - not to be done until team training begins in February
- Team Member applications – are available NOW and are due by December 11 - (the beginning of the Selection Stage) with a $100 non-refundable fee; the team member's personal contribution
- Team Training Schedule – is attached to this email so the full time commitment of this mission can be considered
Attached Documents to this email –
- Brazil Appendix M – please insert in your GT Team Member’s Manuals when you receive them
- Portuguese “Helps” Booklets – also to be inserted in manuals as a part of Appendix M
- Proposal for Gateway Team to Brazil – Please review
- We are here to help you in your preparations any way we can….let us know what questions you have.
Thanks everyone, I look forward to your responses. Blessings!
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