The Retreat Center at Acolman, Mexico. This is just part of it, but the part we´re working on.
In the rain at the Pyramids of Teotihuacan.
A good portion of the Mexico Gateway Team in the new dorm area where we´re working.
August 17, 2007
Our day started very early as we took the Lunas to the airport and were dropped off at our new home for the next week or so in Acolman. The Mission Baptist (Hamilton, ON) Mexico Gateway Team arrived in the afternoon and so we went back to the airport to meet them, changed some dollars to pesos and headed back to Acolman and the Retreat Center where they will work for the next week or so. On the way, a Mexican treat for lunch; McDonalds!
Everyone settled in, had a great ‘real’ Mexican dinner (not McDonald’s) which was made by Olga, an incredible cook and also sister to missionary Moises Ruiz who we’ll meet later in the week. The team also got acquainted with the Barons, Royce and Sue, who are our main hosts here this week at the Acolman Retreat Center. Our first team meeting followed in the evening and everyone was quite ready for bed after a long day that began at 2:00am for the team and 4:00am for the Schmors!
Please pray that everyone would get acclimated well and quick as we begin this new mission!
August 18, 2007
It’s Saturday, but that didn’t matter one bit as the team charged right into our work projects for the week; primarily priming and painting the newly constructed dormitory and other facilities here. Everyone in the group was quite enthusiastic about getting to work and despite the fact that this team is comprised primarily of teenagers, these guys all worked hard and we knocked off a little bit early to play some soccer.
Olga continues to amaze with her creations from the kitchen and everyone is enjoying the authentic Mexican food we have at each meal. The team also found a little time to explore our neighborhood and the ‘tienda’ (store) just across the street. A few tried to harvest some of the cactus fruit here (called ‘tuna’) but ended up with more tiny prickers in their hands and fingers than I think they bargained for!
Church and a trip to the nearby pyramids (Teotihuacan) are up for tomorrow. Please pray as the team shares songs and testimonies at church but also seeks to connect with people. The Retreat Center we are working on is an extension of the ministry of ‘Cristo Vive’ church in Jardines de Morelos where camps, retreats, etc. take place and many young people (and adults) have discovered a new walk with Christ. Attending church with these same people is as important a part of our ministry here as anything we do here at the Retreat Center.
August 19, 2007
We left at 9:00am for church and participated first in a prayer time that preceded the service. The team found much openness in the lives of people as they shared their concerns and prayer requests freely with those present. As the service began, we all participated in the Spanish worship, singing the words as they appeared on the screen with varying degrees of comprehension as to what was being sung! After 45 minutes or so of praise and worship, Pastor Mike Powell shared his testimony as Sue Baron translated. Then, the whole team took to the stage as we sang “My Redeemer Lives” to the congregation, even singing the chorus in Spanish! (‘Mi Redentor Vive’). Then, our Kameron shared his testimony with the congregation; he did such a great job, again his mom and dad quite proud! Allison Cannon then did a great job of in sharing her testimony with the church and the team ended their part of the service by singing in Spanish and English, “Open the Eyes of My Heart”/”Abre Mis Ojos Senor”.
The team really enjoyed the worship experience as Pepe (the youth leader) preached in Spanish and met and talked after the service. It was a blessed time to be together with these brothers and sisters.
Once we had a sandwich lunch back at the Retreat Center, we headed to the Teotihuacan pyramids, but noticed quite dark clouds as we were leaving. It’s rainy season in Mexico from June to October and you can almost set your watch by the afternoon rainstorm that arrives each day. But, the rain didn’t deter as we headed to this world renowned archaeological site. The team did and saw pretty much everything there is to see and do at Teotihuacan; seeing the Temple of the Serpent, climbing the Sun pyramid and exploring the Temple of the Butterfly; all in the rain! The park was quite full when we arrived but emptied out quite quickly as the rain fell. The team marveled as they saw this place that was constructed over 2000 years ago and once inhabited by over 200,000 people until 500 A.D.!
Our team meeting in the evening was one of great sharing of the day’s experiences and worship. Everyone agreed that it was a full, yet very meaningful day! Please pray that the team members would be able to soak it all in; appreciating all the aspects of culture here in Mexico as a part of their total experience on this mission. Also pray for each of them as they consider the challenges they are hearing from us (the Schmors) and the Barons about how they want to consider serving God full-time and how they should use this experience to reconsider how to live back home too. God is definitely at work here and the week has just begun!
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